Missouri Sports Hall of Fame’s 2014 St. Charles Enshrinement

The Missouri Sports Hall of Fame inducted a total of thirteen individuals and two American Legion baseball teams at the St. Charles Enshrinement Ceremony, Thursday, November 6, 2014, St. Charles Convention Center. Additionally, the Hall honored Greg Maracek with its presigious President’s Award and Pat Anthony with a Special Achievement Award. Mercy assumed the presenting sponsorship of the event.

The Enshrinement kicked off with a 5:00 reception follwed by the banquet and ceremonies at 6:00 p.m. All festivities concluded around 9:00 p.m. Tickets cost $125 each with Tables of Ten starting at $1,250. All proceeds benefited the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame.

Besides Greg Maracek and Pat Anthony, the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame recognized these inductees:

1962 Anheuser-Busch Post 299 American Legion National Champions; 1956 Fred W. Stockham Post 245 American Legion National Champions; Bob Lesslie, Amateur Baseball; Rich Grawer, Basketball Coach; Maureen McVey, Soccer Coach; Ron Holtman, Football Coach; Gerry Davis, MLB Umpire; Nancy Fahey, Basketball Coach; Kelly Chase, Hockey; Neil Rackers, Football; The Plager Brothers, Hockey; Jim Holtgrieve, Amateur Golf; Rick Horton, Basketball and Broadcasting; Ernie McMillan, Football; Pete Weber, Bowling.

The inductees all attributed their success to attitude, a strong family background, and coaches or mentors who believed in them. Several shared some humorous anecdotes, most notably the two Blues alumni, Kelly Chase and Bob Plager. Chase told of his early encounter with Gordie Howe and the way that influenced his style of hockey. Plager recalled the time when the Blues former owner, Sidney Solomon, inquired how Plager spent his money. Plager replied, “1/3 on booze, 1/3 on women and 1/3 foolishly”.

To read more about these honorees and teams, go to htpp://mosportshalloffame.com.