On December 2nd – 3rd, 2016 the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation held its Dred Scott Reconciliation Conference at the Frontenac Hilton Hotel’s Clayton Room.  This celebration and conference marked its 10th Anniversary.
Descendants from the families of Dred Scott, Thomas Jefferson, Peter Blow (Dred’s original owner), Chief Justice Roger B. Taney and Jefferson Davis all converged from all over the country to meet and share stories and their connected histories all in the spirit of reconciliation.  It was also an inaugural event as the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation presented the signature group of their Sons and Daughters of Reconciliation. They shared past and present historical events, held a panel discussions and answered questions. After 10 years of educating the public of the critical impact of the Dred Scott Decision and the struggle for freedom of Dred and Harriet Scott, it was an historic day to bring these individuals together as the Foundation enters its next phase building on the firm foundation of their achieved mission:  Commemoration, Education and Reconciliation.
This ongoing goal of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation has seen many, many highlights including the commissioning and installation of the first and only statue of Dred Scott and his wife Harriet which stand outside the Old Courthouse in downtown St. Louis. These objectives overlap and are constantly being addressed in the various opportunities created to ensure that we never forget the struggle for freedom, citizenship and equality, with an eye towards helping to heal the wounds of the past.
The Dred Scott Heritage Foundation was established in June of 2006 by Lynne M. Jackson, Dred Scott’s great-great granddaughter. Its first purpose was to support the acknowledgment of the 150th Anniversary of the Dred Scott Decision and support the attendant commemorative events that marked this momentous occasion. Ten years later, the momentum is greater than ever.
For more information go to:    www.thedredscottfoundation.org/dshf/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=53